CCX News
Abstract Hero Background with Energy, Stocks, Trade, and Finance design elements
CanMar, Canadian Cannabis Exchange (CCX) & Loud Lion Announce Strategic Partnership

CanMar, Canadian Cannabis Exchange (CCX) & Loud Lion Announce Strategic Partnership

The dynamic landscape of the Canadian cannabis industry has been nothing short of transformative these past five years. Upon legalization, several LPs emerged as key market players, however the recent shuttering of many cultivation facilities belongs to industry giants.

How Forest Fires are Shaping the Fate of Cannabis Cultivation

How Forest Fires are Shaping the Fate of Cannabis Cultivation

The devastating 2023 Canadian wildfire season poses significant challenges for cannabis cultivators, impacting outdoor operations with delayed growth, potential crop damage, and contamination risks, while indoor facilities face evacuation-related issues and power outages, all of which could lead to decreased yields for the industry.